The demand for good old folk remedies for parasites of the human body is growing among the population. Huge numbers of helminths and protozoan pests are a constant threat to human health, and synthetic drugs are not always the best treatments.
Parasitic groups
Beings parasitizing the human body can be divided into three huge groups. The first contains helminths that cause enterobiasis, ascariasis, and echinococcosis.
The second group consists of the simplest parasites. Their presence leads to trichomoniasis, giardiasis, toxoplasmosis, malaria and other dangerous diseases. Pests spread throughout the body of the host, coming from the intestines:
- lungs;
- heart;
- liver;
- brain;
- the circulatory system.
The third, no less dangerous group includes parasites localized on the skin surface of the human body. These include lice, fleas, ticks and other arthropods. Ectoparasites are less harmful parasites compared to helminths and protozoa.
Worms that infect internal organs very often, in addition to direct exposure, cause health complications and diseases.
Folk remedies for parasites
Popular methods of traditional medicine not only promote the rapid healing of parasites. They also show excellent results in disease prevention.
The most common recipes for folk remedies for parasites based on the use of the natural healing properties of wormwood, tansy, garlic and onion. These ingredients are most commonly found in the composition of antiparasitic agents found in the body. They have a broad spectrum of action and are used as a universal anthelmintic. Garlic and wormwood are most effective in fighting parasites in the intestines.
Wormwood products
This plant is widely used in folk medicine for the production of infusions of tinctures, decoctions, powders, enemas, as well as the famous triad. Wormwood contains a huge amount of active and medicinal substances that help the body fight all kinds of parasites, while restoring the immune system and digestive system.

Wormwood preparations show excellent results in the fight against flat and round worms, protozoa and tapeworms:
- lamblia;
- trichinella;
- globular worm;
- pinworms;
- echinococcus;
- liver deposits;
- Siberian fluke;
- whipworm;
- wide strip;
- dwarf tapeworm.
The disadvantage of treating parasites with worms is that they have no effect in controlling the larvae of eggs and worms. Thujon in wormwood only affects adults in the body.
A variety of methods are used in conventional wormwood therapy. But do not forget that the plant is toxic. Therefore, the recommended formulations and treatment regimens should be strictly adhered to. Helps to recover from the body's parasites:
- Dry wormwood. The powder is made from a mixture of dried leaves and plant inflorescences. Consumed inside ½ tablespoons. l. 5 bets a day for a week. They wash everything with half a glass of water.
- Troichetka. The mixture consists of 3 tablespoons of wormwood, 6 cherry inflorescences and 2 carnation seeds. All ingredients are taken dry and chopped. One teaspoon is enough for one serving. The treatment lasts for 10 days according to a set schedule. Start with one dose, increase by one dose on the second and third days. Then they eat them on an empty stomach every morning, lunch and evening. The cloves in the collection help get rid of parasites in the body at the egg and larval stage.
- Tincture. 200 g of dry grass is adhered to a liter of alcohol or vodka for 3 weeks. Drink 1 tbsp. l. before each meal. The course lasts until the parasites are completely eliminated.
- Sour cream with honey. All liquids must be squeezed out of the fresh ingredients. The mixture is made from 1 part juice and 2 parts honey. The treatment is given for 2 weeks, the treatment at least four times a day for 30 minutes. before meals and always at night.
Formulations containing wormwood are very bitter. Therefore, their intake can be facilitated by drinking carrot juice or consuming a spoonful of honey.
In pregnant women and infants, it is not recommended to use preparations with a cage to get rid of the parasites.
Garlic products
The antiparasitic properties of garlic have long been known. It is most commonly used to control the following types of helminths:
- pinworms;
- globular worm;
- liver deposits;
- filaria;
- lamblia.

Garlic is an excellent preventive measure against parasites and protozoa. To do this, it is sufficient to indicate it in raw form in the daily menu. Garlic stimulates appetite in patients, restores immunity, prevents the growth of rotting chopsticks in the digestive system, and counteracts bacterial attacks on the body.
Getting rid of parasites in the human body with garlic can be quick and safe. Garlic antiparasitic therapy for children and pregnant women is not harmful. But it is not recommended to take garlic for breastfeeding mothers so as not to provoke rejection of the baby during breastfeeding.
- Garlic water infusion. Pass the garlic head through a press and pour 200 ml of boiled water (after cooling). The infusion should be kept in the dark for at least 7 days. Take a teaspoon before meals for 2-3 weeks.
- Milk infusion. The product is heated once a night for 5-7 days and prepared immediately before use. To do this, pour a glass of boiled milk into the head of finely chopped garlic for 10 minutes.
- Alcohol tincture. To make it, 3-5 (depending on size) heads of garlic are pressed into a liter jar through a press and a bottle of vodka is added. Receipt of funds will begin in a week on a filtered tincture dessert spoon before each meal. The course is 1, 2-2 weeks. If you fight the lamblia in the body for at least a month.
- Garlic oil. Cut 0, 5 kg of peeled cloves and pour 500 ml of vegetable oil. Resistant for 14 days without access to light, stirring daily. To treat parasites in adults, before meals, half a spoonful of oil extract is absorbed in the mouth and spit out without ingestion. The oil is filtered before use and stored in the lower compartment of the refrigerator until it heals.

Garlic is considered the best folk remedy for getting rid of pinworms in children. It is used for both internal use and external lubrication of the anus, as well as anthelmintic enemas.
The use of garlic is contraindicated in patients with acute gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, liver, kidney and bile duct pathology.
Traditional medicine against protozoa
Protozoan microorganisms found in various organs, including protozoa, cause many dangerous diseases. Toxoplasmas and various amoebas affect the intestinal tract, Trichomonas - the urogenital system, trypanosomes lead to cardiovascular disease. To combat these types of parasites, the following folk recipes and methods are recommended:
- Blueberry enema. To a liter of warm water add 1/2 cup cranberry juice and 1 tsp. salt. The procedures are performed in the morning and evening in parallel with the administration of other antiparasitic agents. The same composition can be used for douching diseases of the urogenital system.
- Purple tincture. Fill a bottle with bush flowers, add alcohol or vodka and leave for a week. Take 10 ml before meals until the body is completely healed.
- Decoction of parasites. Make a dry mixture of equal amounts of birch buds, tansy flowers, yarrow and horseradish leaves. Bring to a boil 1 tbsp. l. Collect 200 ml of boiling water and drink tea instead of tea several times for 7-10 days.
Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of lamblia in the body. Positive reviews of folk remedies used to fight giardiasis speak to their effectiveness. The benefits of pumpkin seeds are particularly emphasized. This disease requires a longer treatment cycle and an individual system, so it is better to seek the advice of a parasitologist or a doctor dealing with an infectious disease.
Fight against exoparasites
You can use folk remedies to treat parasites that multiply on the surface of the skin or scalp, with a 100% guarantee. They are subjected to topical treatment with aggressive fluids.
Effectively removes lice from the body. The liquid is applied to the hair, covered with cellophane and wrapped in a scarf. Hold until a strong burning sensation appears. If necessary, the processing is repeated.
The procedure is prohibited for young children and pregnant women.
Saline with vinegar
Mix the salt and table vinegar until crushed and apply to the head. Hold for 1 hour. Never use vinegar essence to avoid burns.
You can also use wormwood, burdock decoction or a mixture of mint infusion and blueberry or pomegranate juice to treat your body against parasites. Such parasites do not like washing soap. Many people say that with folk remedies, you can get rid of parasites quickly and cheaply. Among the ready-to-use products, hellebore tincture is recommended. Ready to buy at the pharmacy.
How to make your own antiparasitic medicine
Most medicines in the arsenal of traditional medicine can be bought ready-made at a regular pharmacy. The widest selection is offered by small pharmacies specializing in the sale of plant equipment. They offer huge antiparasitic agents for both adults and children.
Folk remedies available at the pharmacy can be purchased as a ready-made collection of several herbal ingredients or all herbs can be purchased separately. List of plants to control parasites in the body:
- collections of dry leaves, flowers, buds, roots;
- vegetable alcoholic extracts;
- oil extracts;
- various tinctures.
You can buy ready-made components, make folk remedies at home, and easily get rid of parasites at no extra cost. Finished collections of wormwood, tansy, calamus root, birch buds and leaves, spruce are always available in pharmacies.

If possible, he procures medicinal raw materials himself. This should be done away from highways, factories or factory buildings. It is very important to adhere to the conditions of collection of medicines, the technology of preparation, drying and storage. And most importantly, you should not change the recipe for making drugs to destroy parasites.
The purchase of funds and ingredients in pharmacies guarantees the high quality of the necessary ingredients.
The popularity of homemade antiparasitic preparations is due to their natural recipe, availability and safety. Low cost of raw materials and easy production are combined with high efficiency in the fight against all kinds of parasites. Traditional medicine helps to safely eradicate the source of the infection in any category of patients, including children, nurses, and pregnant women.
- - I treated the worms with a triad. I made the mixture myself at home. Any herb can be purchased at the pharmacy. It has become much cheaper than the purchase price, and the efficiency is the same. "
- "Of the simple worms, both wormwood and yarrow can be good. But it is better to clean the liver of parasites with drugs. So withstood echinococcosis, it had to be operated on. In the recovery phase, the herbs were very helpful. "
- "The doctors prescribed pills for the worms, but after I took them, I felt really bad. I switched to wormwood and onion infusions. Of course, the treatment of the body is very extensive, but it is harmless. "
- "In childhood, lice were always taken out by lubricating their heads with kerosene. Earthworms were placed on the ground. Folk recipes have always helped very well. "